Soup - the conscious sustainable superfood

I Have this theory about soup… Its come together over the course of a few years and i think the following is the full soup low down..

Ok, so soup is a great sustainable dinner, because you can make it from literally any veg left over.. That wrinkled up parsnip that’s been in your fridge for 2 weeks? Chuck it in the pot, Those potatoes that have started to sprout, chop em up and chuck em in… maybe not the broccoli though.. i’m not convinced about broccoli in soup. Basically, you can chuck any veg in the pot with some vegetable stock and voila..

The next thing about soup is that its just what you put in it… and whilst you stand there and stir it, you can stir in some good intentions. Infuse your soup as you stir it with love, strength and health.. so when you eat it, you can absorb all those gorgeous intentions.

The other thing is that, its as easy to make a stack of it as it is to make a small amount. Why not make a bunch and take a portion over to a friends house.. that way you can offer them the love and positive intentions.

Heres the recipe for my favourite most frequently made soup. Vegan and chock full of nutritious vegetables, and high in protein. Freezes well.

You can also double or triple the recipie easily, substitute any ingredients for something similar.


One onion

Two sticks of celery

3 large carrots

2 large courgettes

3 large cooking tomatoes

A litre of vegetable stock

A can of butterbeans

Chilli flakes or fresh

A couple handfuls of chopped kale

Oregano fresh or dried


Heat a splash of olive oil in a pan and add the chopped onion. Sweat in the pan for a few minutes. Mean while chop all the veg and tomatoes (offially a fruit). When the onions are translucent and soft, add the courgettes and cook for a little while longer, until the courgettes start to turn a little brown. Then throw in all the other vegetables and absentmindedly stir. Speak your spells and intentions into the mix..

After a few minutes, add in the stock and allow to bubble nicely.. Add the drained butter beans and reduce the heat. Add salt and pepper, oregano and chilli to taste.

Allow the soup to simmer for 20 or so minutes. Use this time to dance around the kitchen for music of your choice. Gesture your arms whilst dancing towards the cooking soup and sing your heart out. The joy will make for an extra special ingredient.

When the soup is cooked and the veg has all softened, add in the kale! Allow it to cook for a further 5 minutes or so.

The ladle out a steaming bowl of the gorgeous steaming soup and serve with crusty bread..

If you are not vegan, you could grate some cheese and add to the top.

Portion up some into tupperware or a flask and leave on the doorstep of a friend with a love note and a posy of wild flowers.

Bryony Redgrave