International Womans Day 2021

I didn’t post for #iwd2021 this year. I couldn’t decide what to say in a year where woman’s rights and equality has taken a massive backwards step.

Woman are more likely to have lost work and pay than men, more likely to have taken on the additional emotional labour in the household. Woman have had to birth alone and been isolated from their support systems with a new baby.

The news and backlash this week has been so challenging.

A woman slandered and disbelieved in the press over her own personal lives experience of racism and mental health.

A woman walking home from her friends abducted and killed.

I can’t even. It’s too much.

We should be able to talk about our experiences... we should be able to walk alone.

Sending love and strength to anyone affected this week by the noise. We will continue to push forward.. what else can we do?

Bryony Redgrave