5 reasons to ditch disposable wipes for good
Bryony Redgrave
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Bryony Redgrave
5 Ways to use Face wipes

See our guide below for how to use our reusable face wipes. It’s such an easy change to make.

Bryony Redgrave
What will be left of us when were are gone?

I watched The Dig on Netflix (www.netflix.com) over the weekend. Id really recommend it. It follows the story around a self taught archaeologist and the woman who employed him, to dig up a mound suspected to house an ancient remains. 

There’s a sense in the film about the fragility of life.

Our bodies, once we are gone will return to the earth... there will be nothing left of us.  It begs the question, what will the archaeologists of the future be digging up of ours? Mountains of plastic and baby wipes that still haven’t decomposed... is that really something that should happen? It’s always important to think about our own impact on this earth, and what we might leave behind. I sometimes imagine our children having to clear up the mess of their own nappies and wipes which will still exist.

Most plastic takes up to 700 years to degrade, and even then it will still exists in  micro plastic form.

We are mere custodians of our piece of time here and it is our duty to do what we can to look after our beautiful home on earth and we can do this by making thoughtful choices about what we consume, buy and do. 

Bryony Redgrave
Happy holidays - A sustainable guide to Christmas

You’ve done it. You’ve made it to the end of 2020; Well, almost. Christmas is just around the corner and seems to be spreading its joy earlier this year. So, will it be different? Will you approach it with a new view?

Here at Vesta, we like to start slowing down and taking some time for ourselves and our families. Of course, there are still all the jobs to do and general day to day life to navigate, but if nothing else, 2020 has taught us to be kinder to ourselves, and surely we should extend this to our local community (If not even wider) and our environment.

To help you through this festive season, we have put together an easy Christmas guide for making festive sustainable swaps, an Indie gift-guide to help our amazing independent businesses, who – let’s face it have had an almighty tough run this year and deserve all the support we can give them.

 We will have a run down of our top Christmas picks, a Christmas playlist to get you in the mood and recipes to warm your soul. Find it here

Remember: Slow down, shop mindfully and enjoy the season.

Bryony Redgrave
Create your own self care schedule

We live in such a busy time with many stresses and strains placed upon us both emotionally and physically, that it’s important to create a safe space for yourself.

Think of it as your personal self care ritual and block it out in your timetable as you would for any other event. If you are the best version of yourself (In the sense that you have taken the time to check in with your mind and rest your body) Your ability to focus on work, family and social obligations will be much more balanced and focused.

Here at Vesta, we love the ritual of a bath with essential oils and herbs. Take the time to make yourself a comforting hot drink and maybe think about where you are and what you need. These conversations with ourself are very important. Perhaps write these down to reflect back on at a future date.

Burn your favourite candle and lie down with a relaxing eye pillow, or pull on your cosiest clothes and read your favourite book. Even at the end of the day, taking the time with your skincare routine can slow you down.

However you do it, remember to make yourself a priority even if just once a day. Your mind and body will thank you.

Shop our reusable teabags, relaxing eye pillows and face wipes here

Shop our reusable teabags, relaxing eye pillows and face wipes here

Bryony Redgrave