5 ways to go plastic free in the bathroom
Bryony Redgrave
Disposable face masks are the new environmental disaster

Yesterday I’d planned to get up and do a post about an octopus and talk about my love of sea creatures. I was going to talk about octopuses, how clever they were, their beauty and majesty.

But i woke up in the hugest rage. I don’t know if it was the sun moving into Aries giving me some extra fire.. but my rage at the amount of disposable masks and micro plastics on the earth and in the ocean enraged me.

Each month, over 1.6 billion disposable face masks are being discarded... that’s over a trillion since Covid.. a trillion pieces of plastic produced and discarded. A trillion pieces of plastic that will never disappear, only break down into smaller pieces of plastic called micro plastics.

We’re swimming in plastic.. literally. I’m really afraid that we’re running out of time. That we’re not doing enough. That not enough people are taking our climate crisis seriously enough. This is it people. We have a small, finite amount of time before the world reached a point from which there is no return.

We have to make changes, we have to operate outside of our own personal changes. How can we encourage more people to care about the future of this planet?

And honestly... if you don’t need a medical grade mask and can wear a reusable mask... just do it. If you want one and don’t have sufficient funds to buy one, I have some that I will give you. Please contact me directly.

Bryony Redgrave
Ways to Use Reusable Cleaning Wipes
Bryony Redgrave
What are you going to do about climate change?

How have your sustainability habits changed since Covid 19?

Initially, I felt like there was an energy of intense fear that caused People to perhaps undo some of the eco swaps and changes they had brought into their lives. Moving to more stringent cleaners.. maybe using antibacterial cleaning wipes.

Perhaps an edge of not being able to cope with too much fuss and needing the security in chemicals...

I also saw those who began to throw them selves into a new more sustainable way of living. Perhaps being Home more, creating more visible waste than you noticed when you were out at work 5 days a Week. People started growing their own food, rejecting single use plastics, stopped using their cars so much. Tried a vegan diet.

The message is... don’t stop now. It is not time to relax in the climate change crisis. We have 8/9 years to reverse and halt the damage humans have caused our dear Mother Earth.

The conversation continued, how can you dedicate your life, especially in the near future, to safe guarding our planet from the irreversible affects of climate change?

Because the truth is, we must change our behaviour. And we must change it now.

I know lots of you have made changes... a friend has set up a brand new cycling group on Facebook which has been hugely popular locally. It’s called the. no.1ladiescyclingagency. Check them out on Facebook.

And I love the idea that we put aside EVERYTHING else for the next 10 years and really prioritise our planet. It is
Possible to reverse and halt the damage. There is hope. We must believe that for our children and the next generations. Who’s with us??

Tell us below what you commit to doing over the next 10 years...

and I promise to share an idea I’ve been brewing...

Bryony Redgrave
Meet the maker!

Hello! This is me... I realise that I haven’t shared my face for a while, on the grid I mean. I am Bryony. I live in Birmingham. I have 3 cats, 2 children and 1 baby (Vesta).

I’m a cancerian, with a Leo cusp. Im mainly extrovert. Though definitely preferring my own company as I get older... relishing alone time... or maybe that’s just covid, I can barely remember.

Im a pretty emotional deep feeling person. I think that’s why I chose to do what I do with Vesta. After a career in retail I found myself despondent with mass manufacture and wanted to create a world for myself that was free where I didn’t have to answer to anyone, and was putting something good into the world.

I recently remembered my first foray into social enterprise, I was 8, and went door to door selling shells I’d collected on the beach to my neighbours. I donated all the cash to children in need.

So it’s clearly in my path to be doing something that gives back.

This is me outside my studio in Digbeth. basking in the sun of last weekend. Hopefully when lockdown lifts we will be able to open the studio periodically, and you guys can come visit us!

I’m looking forward to pottering around digbeth in the spring, after work..
Popping into some of the cool indie bars digbeth is so known for. I’m ready for the buzz of the summer when people will sit outside @thewarehousecafe eating and drinking.

What are you looking forward to this spring/summer.

#vestaliving #vestasustainableliving#marchmeetthemaker2021 #sgiew_folk#digbeth #socialenterprise #eco

Bryony Redgrave
International Womans Day 2021

I didn’t post for #iwd2021 this year. I couldn’t decide what to say in a year where woman’s rights and equality has taken a massive backwards step.

Woman are more likely to have lost work and pay than men, more likely to have taken on the additional emotional labour in the household. Woman have had to birth alone and been isolated from their support systems with a new baby.

The news and backlash this week has been so challenging.

A woman slandered and disbelieved in the press over her own personal lives experience of racism and mental health.

A woman walking home from her friends abducted and killed.

I can’t even. It’s too much.

We should be able to talk about our experiences... we should be able to walk alone.

Sending love and strength to anyone affected this week by the noise. We will continue to push forward.. what else can we do?

Bryony Redgrave